Here's an animation I made a few months ago for a uni subject. We had to use the theme of contraption, and integrate 3d animation with live video footage. .....oh and thats me in the video
Here are a few sculptures I made last year and painted earlier this year. There made from Sculpey, and painted with acrylic paint. I made some new ones I need to paint, made out of Super Sculpey.... which is waaaay better to sculpt with.
Its that time of year again.... oh boy I sure do enjoy the festive season! Here are a few concepts of this years Christmas card.... I should have the finished thing by sometime next week I guess.
So a mate of mine shouted me beer to draw these on a couple of envelopes for a competition to win a Ute. Decorating the envelope will have no effect on his chances of winning, tho it was fun to do... and I got free beer!
I started this one a couple of months ago but never got around to finishing.... until now that is! Its a humorous take on a 50's B movie poster/ comic book.
Here's another drunk sketch from last week i think... the pic is a bit blurry coz i took it on my phone. I took the photo after i stuck it on a wall in a room with a fairly dim yellowish light, which gave the image a really smokey room/ aged paper look.
I posted the rough of this pic earlier in the year,but here it is inked, and in full colour. I did it as a mock up colour for a painting i'm doing on a huge canvas, which has been postponed in mid production because of all the uni work I gotsta do.
Who tha heck is this guy? ........... Why its freakin Stunt-man of course! Stay tuned...... I've got a few pics on the way all about his stunt themed exploits.
Here are a bunch of the Images from The Legend of Tiki Tiki, the motion comic I made at uni a little while ago. I figured I'd post them here since you only get to look at them for a few seconds in the video.